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Lizzi Away Dates 

Lizzi will be away from the studio from the 10th Feb till the 14th Feb. Rena will be teaching select studio classes during those dates. Tristan\s mat class sessions will also be available as usual  Please check below dates and times for studio opening hours and cancelled classes. Apologies for any inconvenience, feel free to contact the studio for any inquiries. 

Away dates:

Monday 10th Feb - CLOSED

Tuesday 11th Feb - AM & PM sessions as normal (Rena will be taking over all classes)

Wednesday 12th Feb - AM sessions as normal (Rena will be taking over classes), all PM classes are cancelled

Thursday 13th Feb - AM sessions as normal with Rena, all PM classes are cancelled

Friday 14th Feb - AM classes are cancelled,  PM sessions as normal (Rena will be taking over all classes)


Please check Booking Essentials to see any classes with available spaces, it's a great opportunity to meet new people! 


Specialised Pilates training 
Move better, feel better, live better!

The Pilates Way provides specialised Pilates training and is owned by one of the Territory's most formally qualified and experienced teachers Lizzi Webb. Working in a personal studio environment with high caliber professional equipment The Pilates Way will cater to your specific needs and goals and teach you to take control of your body through intelligent movement.


Concentration  .  Control  .  Centring  .  Precision  .  Flow  .  Breath

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